(KappaGuerra) KappaGuerra Martial Arts at Powerhouse Boxing and KickBoxing has enlisted the “Martial Arts Studio Cleaning, Supplies & Education” services of DOJO DUSTERS – 757.763-9621
(D.A.Y.) Dream Action Yoga Advanced Instructor Training. Live workshops and demonstration 2016 in Eastern China. Intro to Datang Yoga Demonstration Yoga Demonstration in Datang, China.
(UniquilibriuM, LLC.) With more than 100,000 downloads and growing, the UniqilibriuM network of podcasts features content of various types from Healthy Living and Self Defense,
(Callin & Ballin) [RECORDED] Jul 25, 2022 • 4 hr 20 min S.G.S #1 Open Discussion Sit-down. Find your seat, pour a drink and let’s
(KappaGuerra) Begin with light-weights, or no weights to practice controlling your movements. Hakeem@HypnoAthletics.com Train with Coach Hakeem at Onelife Fitness Redmill 757-834-0010 embedded maps google
By Davis Jameson If you or your children are practicing martial artists, you know that being able to consistently work on your skills is important
Research, Experimentation, Development and Application of Capoeira Techniques (KappaGuerra) Exclusive, invitation only, special membership activation page for REDACT Players and REDAKTED Brawlers. Research, Experimentation, Development
(Flor & Hakeem) These are some of the basic schedule designs for the classes offered at Powerhouse Boxing & Kickboxing in Virginia Beach. Currently, Coach
A complete set of full-body exercises to practice for optimum fitness
(Exercising Your Mind) Strengthen muscles, improve endurance, and optimize metabolism with KickBoxing 101 (KB1 ) Healthy-Living & Self-Defense (HL&SD) training based on Thai & Western Boxing movements, strategy &