Start An Internet Business With These Four Tools You May Already Have
(Hakeem Alexander) You’ve already heard, read, and seen a lot of over-complicated and over-hyped stuff about how to start-up an internet business.
But I will get you going right now if you have these four tools and about 10 minutes.
So go through “The Big Four” below to know if you have them, and then check out “The BreakDown” after that to learn how I use them to earn money with an internet business.
The Big Four
- A blog
- A PayPal Account
- An affiliate program that is PayPal compatible
- Resourcefulness
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The BreakDown
The following breakdown is presented in the same order as listed above.
- You are reading one of my blogs. The point of the blog is to provide attractive content that is wanted, needed, or useful to your potential customers. When your visitors are attracted to your content, you can then expose them to advertisements for your product or service.
- I like PayPal because it is easy to use, I have used it for years and that is the reason why I have listed it as one of the tools for starting an internet business.
- Because I am in the health and wellness industry, I have chosen a product in that field. I simply typed in “PayPal Affiliate” into a search engine and found a product I feel great about retailing.
- Resourcefulness is more of a trait or way of being, but when applied to your business it is an important tool. This is especially if you do not have a big budget, or no budget at all. You have to be resourceful to be able to create consistently attractive content, or to be able to get attractive content on a consistent basis.
That is how you start an internet business with these four tools you may already have. It is simple to do. But this does not make it easy. That is why resourcefulness is on the list.
You will have to constantly dig deep to be successful. Persistence and follow through will be some of your most valuable assets.
Do you have questions? Need some more details, or have suggestions? Send me an email to
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