Removing Several Hakeem Ali-Bocas Alexander Books From Marketplace
Note to Self
My work is Sponsored by sales from my site on I also received a commission from Amazon Associates program if you buy anything from the Amazon links on this page. I may also earn royalties from sales of my books.
Because I utilized Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) service as a way to practice the skill of self-publishing in real time, a few of the publications, specifically the 1st volumes on demonology are going to be unpublished from the website.
This is in part because the design quality and content were less than satisfactory. The other component that is more influential on this decision is the fact that I have combined the 6 books on demonology into one larger volume. The text has been heavily edited and a 7th book was added to the collection which now totals 200 pages.
The books that will remain in the Amazon marketplace for now are as follows:
- The Set Dresser’s Handbook: Tips and Tricks for Set Dressers of All Genres
- Building Wealth with Private Money Lending in Real Estate: Funding Real Estate Investements With Private Capital
- Shadows of the Sunshine State: Advanced Ghost Hunting Techniques in Miami
- UniquilibriuM Demonology: Demonology and Exorcism (UniquilibriuM’s Demonology)
- Beyond the Blue Planet: A Passport to the Solar System
- Cleansing the Coast: Exorcising Demons in Virginia’s Hampton Roads
- The Mind’s Labyrinth: Navigating Lost Memories of Alien Encounters
- Spirits Unveiled: House Healing Techniques for Ghost Hunters in Virginia Beach
- Chronicles of the Hidden Hand: Spying Into the Espionage Arts (Department of Defense USA)
- The Fitness Podcaster’s Playbook: Marketing Strategies for Personal Trainers (PodCast Marketing)
- Enhanced Warriors: The Future of Metaphysical Weapons in Military Strategy (Department of Defense USA)
- From Theory to Practice: Engaging with the Eight Limbs of Yoga
- All That Blooms Must Die: Eternal Echoes of the Universe
- Hypnotic Armor: Emotional Detachment Techniques for Combat Readiness (Department of Defense USA)
- Podcasting Your Psychology Journey: Tips for Turning Learning into Income (PodCast Marketing)
- Hyper-Lethal Innovations: Combat Prosthetics for the Modern Soldier (Department of Defense USA)
- Tarot of the Damned: The Curse That Haunts the Cards
- Olympus Has Fallen Down the Rabbit Hole (2023)
- Digital Revenue Revolution: Strategies for Beginner Freelance Marketers
The primary showcase for information about books by Hakeem Ali-Bocas Alexander (me) can be found on the World Reading Club website and podcast.